SS. Peter & Paul
Catholic Cemetery
Cemetery Committee:
Current Cemetery Committee:
Richard Bolduc-Chairperson,
Sharon Abrahamson
Betty Conely
Chuck DuBore
Mike DuBore
Toby McGregor
Victor Sweeney
Father Xavier Ilango
Caretaker: Stacey Wentz
1. A gravesite for an individual internment may be reserved for $150.00 and a perpetual care payment of $150.00, totaling $300.00. The reservation of a gravesite includes such general care of the cemetery property as fencing and road maintenance, cutting of the grass, filling of sunken graves, and the planting of trees and flowers in special areas of the cemetery.
2. A gravesite for a stillborn child will be given at no cost. Two infants may be buried in the same gravesite. The reservation of an infant gravesite includes such general care of the cemetery property as fencing and road maintenance, cutting of the grass, filling of sunken graves, and the planting of trees and flowers in special areas of the cemetery.
3. In the event the perpetual care payment for a reserved gravesite has been fully paid and the purchaser or his or her survivor desires to relinquish the space, the entire perpetual care payment may be refunded.
4. All internments and removals are subject to Church law, the rules and regulations of the Diocese of Crookston, statutes of the State of Minnesota and rules and regulations adopted by the SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery.
5. All funerals upon entering the cemetery shall be under the exclusive charge of the Cemetery Committee and/or the Cemetery Caretaker.
6. All burials of a casket that exceeds four feet in length shall require a concrete or steel liner of two-piece construction. All burials of cremains shall require a concrete liner of two-piece construction.
7. No workman other than employees of SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery will be permitted to work in the cemetery without first securing permission from the Cemetery Committee or Cemetery Caretaker.
8. Arrangements for the reservation of a gravesite and the payment of perpetual care must be made with the Cemetery Committee or Cemetery Caretaker.
9. No planting of trees, shrubs, bushes and flowers are permitted within the cemetery by anyone other than the Cemetery Committee or Cemetery Caretaker.
10. Memorials for deceased persons not buried in the cemetery are not allowed within the cemetery.
11. Only authorized personnel shall dig graves.
12. Cremated remains may be buried in any lot of the cemetery. Not more than two cremains may be buried in one standard size lot. No more than two footstones are allowed on one gravesite. No more than one upright monument is allowed on each gravesite. Each cremains internment is subject to the perpetual care payment of $150.00 per burial.
13. Upon securing permission of the Cemetery Committee, the cremains of a single individual may be buried above an existing burial. If an upright stone is already in place on the gravesite, another may not be erected, but a second footstone may be placed on the gravesite.
14. No markers of any kind may be placed on gravesites without prior arrangements and approval of the Cemetery Committee or Caretaker.
15. Footstone markers shall be of lawn level type and shall be set in cement with at least a four-inch cement border. This may be pre-cast or cast on location. No gravel or any type of descriptive rock shall be used around grave markers.
16. Grave markers shall be Catholic in design and character. Symbols inconsistent with the Catholic faith are expressly forbidden.
17. All grave markers shall be placed under the supervisions of the Cemetery Committee or Caretaker.
18. Grave decorations may be placed on gravesites. They shall be placed within one week before Memorial Day, and shall be removed no later than Flag Day, June 14th. Decorations remaining after June 14th will be removed and destroyed by cemetery personnel.
19. Cemetery personnel are not responsible for decorations placed on gravesites.
20. Artificial wreaths may be placed on gravesites during the winter months (December 1st to January 30th) if erected on a secure stand or easel.
21. It is permissible to place cut flowers on a gravesite provided they are placed in an approved cemetery ground vase. Fresh flowers placed on graves will be removed when wilted.
22. Potted or boxed plants placed on gravesites must be stable enough for outdoor use and must be placed on the grave marker or in an approved cemetery vase or stand. They shall not be placed in or on the ground and when wilted will be removed and destroyed by cemetery personnel.
Adopted: June 4, 2003
Amended: May 2, 2023