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Prayers for the Sick

Sharon Nicholls

Landon LaBine

Kinley Johnson

Mary Carlson

Peggy Rominski

Kayde Przybylski

Kim Kostrzewski

Danny Myszkowski

Steve Novak

Anthony Przybylski

LeRoy Vonasek

Rena LaCoursiere

Mary Frances Ennis

Wayd Korynta

Darryl Korynta

Allen Buchner

Robert Nowacki

Stephanie DeYoung

Carol Novacek

Gertrude Praska

Nettie Kuznia

Leonard Novak

Larry Sabol

Alise Cruz Monroe

Steve Johnson

Elise Davy

Ted Pawlowski

Bernie Borowicz

Sharri Paulson

Ralph Melgard

Denise Korynta

Trisha Chadduck

John Buchner

Fred Nicholls

David Kujava

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