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Bulletin & Events

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Faith Formation †

Director:  Amanda Page
Ss. Peter and Paul Church Warren - Youth | Facebook

Don’t forget to sign up to REMIND for announcements:

(text @c69cd7 to 81010)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


  • October 6             

    • 11:00 am FF Classes Grades 6-7

  • October 9             

    • Faith Formation Classes

      • 5:30 pm Family Meal

      • 6:10 pm Pre-K-Grade 5

      • 7:30 pm Grades 8-11

  • October 13           

    • 11:00 am FF Classes Grades 6-7

  • October 16       

    • Wednesday, NO Classes MEA

  • October 20       

    • Sunday, NO Classes MEA

  • October 23       

    • Faith Formation Classes

      • 6:10 pm Pre-K-Grade 5

      • 7:30 pm Grades 8-11

  • October 27       

    • 11:00 am FF Classes Grades 6-7

  • Parents, if you have not turned in the Registrations for your children who are attending Faith Formation Classes, please do so we can update your current family information in our records.  Thank you to those who have already done so.


Join us for Father Ilango’s Birthday Celebration

  • Sunday, October 20, 2024

  • Following the 10:00 am Mass

  • In the Social Hall

  • Birthday Cupcakes and Beverages...


October 6, 2024; 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.” (GENESIS 2:19)

The creation story reminds us of two important points. First, since the start, God has put the entire world into our care. Second, stewardship has been around since the beginning of mankind, it isn’t something recently invented by the Church. Just as past generations built our Church, it is now our responsibility to continue to nurture and develop these gifts for future generations.



  • Tuesday 9:00 am to 8:30 pm


​​Pocket Change Collection for the Rectory Mortgage

Special collection the first Sunday of every month

to put towards the rectory mortgage. 

  • Past donations:  $53,552.73; 

  • 9-1-2024 Collection:  $350.00;  

  • Total:  $53,902.73

  • Current Total due on Mortgage:  $9,669.21


​​​The Altar Society has an assortment of greeting cards: birthday, get well, sympathy, anniversary, graduation, confirmation, first communion and baptism cards for sale on a stand in the library for $.50 each.  Pick out which cards you may want, pay in the office or put the appropriate amount of money in an envelope marked “CARDS” and put it under the office door.


Mass Intentions can be given for many reasons, such as anniversaries, birthdays, healing, deceased people, etc.  If you would like to request a Mass Intention, please leave your requests in the collection basket along with $10.00 per request, or come to the office and talk to Donna about your special requests, along with $10.00 per request.


SS. Peter and Paul will be serving the Warren Area Food Shelf for the month of October.  Volunteers are needed each Tuesday from 4:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. to help with food distribution.  Volunteers may sign up at the back of the church. 

Any questions, please contact

Kristi Pederson at 745-6256. 


Respect Life Prayer:  O Jesus, you came that we might have life-and have it in abundance.  Together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, you form us in our mothers’ wombs and call us to love you for all eternity.

As your most precious gift of human life is attacked, draw us ever closer to your Real Presence in the Eucharist.  Dispel the darkness of the culture of death, for you are the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. 

By the power of your Eucharistic Presence, help us to defend the life of every human person at every stage.  Transform our hearts to protect and cherish all whose lives are most vulnerable.

For you are God, forever and ever.  Amen.

USCCB-Respect Life


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