Bulletin & Events
Sunday, January 26, 2025
† Faith Formation †
Director: Amanda Page
Ss. Peter and Paul Church Warren - Youth | Facebook
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(text @c69cd7 to 81010)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
January 22
Faith Formation Classes
6:10 pm Pre-K-Grade 5
7:30 pm Grades 8-11
7:30 pm Bully Brew Grade 12
January 26
11:00 am FF Classes Grades 6-7
January 29
Faith Formation Classes
6:10 pm Pre-K-Grade 5
7:30 pm Grades 8-11
February 2
11:00 am FF Classes Grades 6-7
February 5
Faith Formation Classes
6:10 pm Pre-K-Grade 5
7:30 pm Grades 8-11
February 9
11:00 am FF Classes Grades 6-7
YOUTH Wall of Money $$$
You may contribute to the Youth Wall of Money, located in the church entrance, to help with expenses for VBS, Steubenville, JPII, and Trinity Youth Camp. You can take an envelope corresponding to an amount or you can select a blank envelope and add the amount you choose. As a thank you for your donation we would like to pray for any prayer intention that you might have while we are at these events. Once you have completed your envelope you can turn it into the office, Amanda Page, or put it in the collection basket at Mass.
January 26, 2025; 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
“Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared…”
- Nehemiah 8:10
Ezra’s instructions to the people show us that God does not forbid us from enjoying the good things in life. He wants us to be happy! However, God expects us to be grateful for all that He has given us and to generously share our blessings with those who are in need. Now here’s the hard part – to share all we have without expecting anything in return.
​Take a Book, Leave a Book...
There are free books available on the back table in the Social Hall! Please feel free to take a book, or bring a book to add to the table for others to enjoy.
“BOILER Collection”
First Sunday of the Month Special Collection 1-5-2025: $431.00
Are you looking for a way to walk more closely with God?
Cursillo may be what you’re looking for. The Diocese of Crookston is offering a Men’s Cursillo on February 20-23 and a Women’s Cursillo on the weekend of April 3-6 at the Crookston Pastoral Center. Applications are available at your parish office or at crookstoncursillo.weebly.com.
Thank you for your consideration! If you have any questions, please let us know or contact Brandy Pelzel at pelzel40@hotmail.com, Len Vonasek at 701-741-9049, or Deacon Paul Erickson at St. Joe’s in Moorhead.
Fellowship after Mass
We look forward to fellowship again on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. Please sign up on the sheet on the cart in the entrance if you would be willing to bring and serve on any of the designated Sundays. You can serve as an individual family or serve together with a couple of other individuals or families.