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Is your career everything you thought it would be?  Are you going home feeling good about your day and the work you've done?  Maybe there's something more to this life than a career and making money.  There's a dynamic "you" that's inside and needs to find a place where your talents come alive.  It's time to work for God.  Don't expect any applause from anyone, but your boss is out of this world and he loves your more than you'll ever know.

Take a look at the different ministries, organizations, and groups.  There's one for you, but you pick the one you like. 

You may ask, "What can I do?", how about, "Do what you can!"

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Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, called by God and led by the Holy Spirit, serves in love and to fulfill the mission of the Church set forth by Jesus Christ.

Mike Johnson, Chairperson


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Finance Council

The Finance Council is responsible for ensuring the appropriate use of parishioner donated resources and communicating those uses to the parish.

Dave Gehrls, Chairperson


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Altar Society

An altar society or altar guild is a group of laypersons in a parish church who volunteer to maintain the needs of the church.

Becky Adrian, Secretary



RE Committee

The mission of the RE Committee is to teach and express the timeless truths of the Roman Catholic Church.

Amanda Page, RE Director



Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee is a pastoral ministry of the parish. It operates in an advisory capacity to the pastor and serves the worship of the larger community. It guides the growth in knowledge on liturgy and enables the full participation of the community.

JoAnne Ranstrom, Chairperson



Cemetery Committee

The Cemetery Committee is freely appointed by the Pastor and assists him in the administration of the parish's cemetery. The Cemetery Committee meets as needed and when called by the Pastor.


Building Committee

A building committee evaluates needs that new construction, renovation or remodeling can meet to align improvements with the church vision and mission statements.

Fr. Ilango, Pastor


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Knights of Columbus
We are Catholic men building a bridge back to faith.  There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world, and that's what Knights do every day.
John Gerszewski, Grand Knight



Annual Appeal


Click Here to Give Online


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